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Help with an LDAP autopsy...

I've setup a SUN enterprise server to test the HEAD code and the new hdb backend. I'm using the DirectoryMark software to run benchmark tests.
I have created a test directory of 40,000 items and I've started with a test searching for uid (this is the standard DirectoryMark test avaiable via the -u option in scriptgen.pl - I specified originally 5 threads of 1000 searches each and then chose 1 thread of 1000)
Originally I wanted to test with 5 threads for a beginning, but I it was crashing, so I took it down to 1 thread and debugged the LDAP server.

Unless I'm reading the results wrong, it looks like the LDAP server is not even managing to get through one pass of the data whilst searching for a uid before it just hangs and refuses to do anything for about 300 seconds....

Does anyone have any ideas what could be amiss here?


connection_get(11): got connid=0
connection_read(11): checking for input on id=0
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 12 contents:
ber_get_next on fd 11 failed errno=11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
ber_scanf fmt ({imt) ber:
ber_scanf fmt (m}) ber:
>>> dnPrettyNormal: <>
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <>, <>
do_bind: version=2 dn="" method=128
send_ldap_result: conn=0 op=0 p=2
send_ldap_response: msgid=1 tag=97 err=0
ber_flush: 14 bytes to sd 11
do_bind: v2 anonymous bind
connection_get(11): got connid=0
connection_read(11): checking for input on id=0
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 165 contents:
ber_get_next on fd 11 failed errno=11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
ber_scanf fmt ({miiiib) ber:
>>> dnPrettyNormal: <dc=myorg,dc=si>
=> ldap_bv2dn(dc=myorg,dc=si,0)
<= ldap_bv2dn(dc=myorg,dc=si,0)=0
=> ldap_dn2bv(272)
<= ldap_dn2bv(dc=myorg,dc=si,272)=0
=> ldap_dn2bv(272)
<= ldap_dn2bv(dc=myorg,dc=si,272)=0
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <dc=myorg,dc=si>, <dc=myorg,dc=si>
ber_scanf fmt ({mm}) ber:
ber_scanf fmt ({M}}) ber:
=> bdb_back_search
entry_decode: ""
<= entry_decode()
search_candidates: base="dc=myorg,dc=si" (0x00000001) scope=2
=> hdb_dn2idl( "dc=myorg,dc=si" )
=> bdb_equality_candidates (objectClass)
=> key_read
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
=> bdb_equality_candidates (uid)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: (uid) index_param failed (18)
bdb_search_candidates: id=-1 first=1 last=40012
bdb_search: 1 does not match filter
entry_decode: ""
<= entry_decode()
bdb_search: 2 does not match filter
entry_decode: ""
<= entry_decode()
bdb_search: 3 does not match filter
entry_decode: ""
<= entry_decode()
bdb_search: 4 does not match filter
entry_decode: ""
<= entry_decode()
bdb_search: 5 does not match filter
entry_decode: ""
<= entry_decode()
bdb_search: 6 does not match filter
entry_decode: ""
<= entry_decode()
bdb_search: 7 does not match filter
bdb_search: 2496 does not match filter
bdb_search: 2497 does not match filter
bdb_search: 2498 does not match filter