I am new to OpenLDAP.
This one of table structure
CREATE TABLE tblusers (
accountid int4 NOT NULL, username varchar(50) NOT NULL, userlogin varchar(50) NOT NULL, email varchar(50) NOT NULL, isactive bool DEFAULT 't' NOT NULL, doj timestamp, accid int4, isnotificationrequired bool DEFAULT 't', CONSTRAINT tblusers_userlogin_key UNIQUE (userlogin), CONSTRAINT tblusers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (accountid) ); I would like to convert it as ldif file and access
it through PHP. What is the best way give ldif format for this
With Best Regards,
Sreedhar Bhaskararaju
Our greatest happiness in life does not depend on
the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of
good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just