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Re: SuSE 8.0 Linux as OpenLDAP client


I had just a quick look on your pam-config, and:

Andreas Heilwagen wrote:
SUSE 8.0:
auth     requisite      pam_unix.so             nullok #set_secrpc

This module should only be "required". "requisite" stops immediately if the module fails. So your box will look up the user in your passwd/shadow and maybe NIS, won't find it and bail out.

auth     required       pam_securetty.so
auth     required       pam_nologin.so
auth     sufficient     pam_ldap.so             debug
#auth    required       pam_homecheck.so
auth     required       pam_env.so
auth     required       pam_mail.so
account  sufficient     pam_ldap.so             debug
account  required       pam_unix.so
password required       pam_pwcheck.so          nullok
password required       pam_ldap.so       use_first_pass use_authok debug

This one should be set to "sufficient". If you can change the user with ldap, it's an externally defined user and you don't have to update passwd/shadow. "sufficient" stops immediately on success.

password required       pam_unix2.so       nullok use_first_pass use_authtok
session  required       pam_unix.so             none # debug or trace
session  required       pam_limits.so

This should help a bit. But have a look at the documentation of pam. It's worth (and I can't really promise, that my modifications work and neither they're secure).
