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proxy a single attribute


I'm just getting into some of the 'back ldap' functionality, but my brain is
a little fried, and I think I've misunderstood one or two fundamental things
about it. 

I currently am set up so that if you search *my* test LDAP server, but set
your base to 'ou=proxy, dc=their,dc=server', you'll actually be searching a
completely different server.  However, what I really *want* to do when I go
into production is simply proxy requests for certain attributes, getting the
rest from the local server.  So, for example if I do a search like this:

ldapsearch -x -b'ou=People,dc=my,dc=org' '(cn=jonesy)'

All of the attributes that come back are from the local server EXCEPT for,
say, 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', which would actually be mapped to the
attribute 'street' on the other server (which would also match on the
'cn=jonesy' part, clearly).  Is there no way to do something like this in my

dn: cn=jonesy, dc=mydomain,dc=org
physicalDeliveryOfficeName: ldap://other.dapserver.org/ldapquerystringhere

My feeling is that this will be disgustingly slow, but it would make some
other things easier (which aren't really dependent on speed). Is there a way
to get the same effect somehow?
