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Re: indexing?

--On Wednesday, April 30, 2003 12:24 PM -0400 pll+ldap@lanminds.com wrote:

Hi all,

Is there someplace other than then OpenLDAP admin guide which
explains the BDB indexing directives?  What's there isn't all that
helpful, e.g.:

- what does it mean to maintain a 'present' index

The attribute exists (a worthless index if there ever was one).

- an 'equality' index (or approx/sub) ?

eq -- You can do equality matching on the value of the attribute. i.e, you can filter on uid=quanah
sub -- You can do substring matching on the value of the attribute. i.e., you can filter on "cn=quanah*mount"
approx -- You can do approximate (or phonetic searches, if compiled that way) on the value of the attribute. i.e., you can filter on "sn=~gibson-mound"

- what are the 'default' indices maintained if

There are no default indices maintained. You need to specify what to index. You can specify a default type of indexing, i.e.,
index default eq
index uid
index sn eq,sub,approx
index cn eq,sub

Will index uid with eq, sn with eq,sub,approx, and cn with eq,sub


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Senior Systems Administrator
ITSS/TSS/Computing Systems
Stanford University
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html