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Re: Adding saslAuthzFrom attribute

include all schemas in the slapd.conf file and try
Vishal K

Chee Wai Yeung wrote:

I am running OpenLDAP 2.1.17. It is not in the schema
files, but I think they are compiled in.
(in slapd/schema_prep.c)

The Admin guide simply mentioned that a dn needs this
attribute but it didn't say how I can add this
attribute to an entry.

Chee Wai

--- Vishal Khanna <vishal.khanna@aitpl.co.in> wrote:

Are you sure this attribute is present in one of the
included schemas shipped with the system..

Chee Wai Yeung wrote:


I know what I am trying to do is quite dangerous,


since it is being tested only so once I get the


of it I will do it some other way:
Basically I want to allow a user to proxy

authorize as

cn=Manager of my ldap server. I try to add the
following attribute to cn=Manager:

dn: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
add: saslAuthzFrom
saslAuthzFrom: uid=user,dc=example,dc=com

but running ldapmodify:

ldapmodify -D 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' -x -W

gave me:

attribute type undefined

Please advise what I should do as I don't seem to


the correct steps in the openldap docs.

Chee Wai