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Re: LDIF and structural objectclasses

Howard Chu wrote:
Normally libldif will only base64 encode a value if it finds unprintable or special characters in it. However, libldif is hardcoded to always base64 encode userPassword.

Thought that.

This has been its behavior since August 1999;

Does this apply to late Versions of OpenLDAP 1.2.x too? Didn't notice that there.

I'd imagine that it's done like this to prevent passwords from accidentally being revealed to casual observers.

Hmm, that's what I'd have guessed too, but then I found that too silly, cause it doesn't make much sense to base64 encode crypt encrypted passwords. Didn't think that people might store cleartext passwords in their directories. ?o)

The encoding is of course trivial, but there aren't many people who can decode it in their heads...

Sure there aren't many, and finally I think that's reasonable too, at least for that clear text thing.

lg, daniel