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RE: Japanese DN

I used another library to convert it and I got:

dn:: Y249wpPDusKWeyDCinfCjVosb3U9U2hhY2hvdSxvPW9ha2xhd24sYz1KUA==
ou: Shachou
cn:: wpPDusKWeyDCinfCjVo=
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: officePerson
givenname:: wpPDusKWew==
sn:: wpPDusKWew==
mail: xxxx@xxxxx
Comment:: wpPDusKWew==

I got to import it to Openldap but cannot see the characters anywhere... in
outlook 2000, in  the web,etc...
Using "lv" I can see the original japanese code is Shift-jis. I need only to
solve this little step :-)


> dn:: Y249g2WDWINngsWCtyCCsYLqgs0sb3U9U2hhY2hvdSwgbz1vYWtsYXduLGM9SlA=
> ou: Shachou
> cn:: g2WDWINngsWCtyCCsYLqgs0=
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: person
> objectClass: organizationalPerson
> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
> objectClass: officePerson
> givenname:: g2WDWINngsWCtw==
> sn:: g2WDWINngsWCtw==
> mail: xxxx@xxxxx.jp
> Comment:: iKSSbYynkqE=

If you change the code to UTF-8, I think you could solve this problem.