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Re: BDB recovery after power outage

On Sun, 20 Apr 2003, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:

> First, I would suggest running something more recent than 2.1.12... That
> release is full of bugs, and is why 2.1.17 is marked the most stable
> (although if you have more than 50 or so indexes, you'll want to get 2.1.18
> as soon as it is out).

I'll try that.  I really hate updating my software every two weeks, and I
swear that I'm using the version marked stable no more than a month ago,
but I'll update.

I currently have a very small database, maybe 400 entries, only indexing
about about six attributes, although I'm not convinced that the indexes
are even working, since I keep getting "bdb_equality_candidates:
index_param failed" in my logs.  I haven't found any explanation for it
(although I've found a number of questions about it), so I've just been
ignoring it until I had time to deal with it.

> On the backups issue, have you thought of doing a nightly slapcat?  That is
> what we do... The BDB size of our DB is 1.9GB, the slapcat created LDIF
> file, when compressed with gzip, is 50MB.  Quite the savings, and it gives
> us a restore point.

At this point, I'm doing it hourly. :(  It's only 11k compressed right
now, but I've had so many problems so far (corrupt database, inability to
add entries, inability to see entries which slapd claims are there,
inability to replace an entry slapd claims isn't there, inability to do,
um, most things I've tried to do, frankly) that I'm getting really
paranoid.  Yay.

Thanks for the help.


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