On my Solaris 9 box, at least, running that command started up nscd and
the ldap cache manager. It has been running on my system for several
weeks without problem. It also created /etc/defaultdomain.
I stand corrected. ldapclient will do all of this for you. You do need
to cleanup a bit after it runs. ldapclient restarts some services which
are not necessarily running (automounter in my case) and it installs a
default nsswitch.ldap which may need editing. On Solaris 8 you have to do
this by hand; however, ldap_cachemgr is not required to run in order for
the ldap client to operate. I do recommend getting solaris schema from
the links I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, automatic setup does not
work for both Solaris (8|9). You need to patch openldap, or Sun needs to
fix the ldapclient and specify what attributes it needs from rootDN.