I tried a similar search, but used the administrator account as bind dn.
I got a lot more data, but not all the attributes (such as passwords).
Anyone tried to use Net::LDAP for this?
- Andrew.
"Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko" wrote:
I am trying to access AD using ldapsearch like this:
ldapsearch -x -h server -b "dc=our-domain,dc=com"
Instead of the expected list of all users I get a whopping 17 entries:
The first one is what I presume to be the root node, with managedBy,
masteredBy etc attributes, and the rest describe root DNS servers. And
then there is a reference to a CN=Configuration entry.
A similar search run on an Openldap server produces the complete dump.
Does anyone have an idea of how to do a similar dump of AD? Or do I have
to bind in order to do it?
Simon (Vsevolod ILyushchenko) simonf@cshl.edu
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