i have used the 2.0.25 version of openldap. with
this version i have entries like this
dn: ou=portal, ou=centralizado
objectClass: top objectClass: organizationalUnit objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: person sn: portal cn: portal ou: portal businessCategory: S physicalDeliveryOfficeName: Email Generico=S; description: Portal AndaluciaJunta.es carLicense: portal but now with the version 2.0.12 this entry is no
valid. when i try to add i get the next message (ldapmodify):
ldapmodify: update failed: ou=portal,
ou=centralizado ,o=recursos,o=juntadeandalucia,c=es
ldap_add: Object class violation (65) additional info: invalid structural object class chain (organizationalUnit/inetOrgPerson) have changed the schema? the message seems to say
like dont allow entries with two structural object class
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