Hi !, Please, actually I'm working with a third
source software called NavisRadius that must access to my OpenLDAP server,
my entries are defined at a ldif file so:
dn: o=radius
objectclass: top objectclass: organization o:radius dn: ou=ecred, o=radius
ou: ecred objectclass: organizationalUnit dn: uid=usuario1, ou=ecred, o=radius
uid: usuario1 userpassword: 123456 objectclass: person ou: ecred dn: uid=usuario2, ou=ecred, o=radius
uid: usuario2 userpassword: 123456 objectclass: person ou: ecred #---------------------------
I loaded and tested this entries successfully with
ldapsearch. e .g executing : ldapsearch uid=usuario1
gets successfully 1 entry.
The third source software requires the following
values for configuration purposes and then access the LDAP Server:
ReadLdap-Host =
ReadLdap-Port = 389 ReadLdap-BindDn = "cn=Manager,o=radius" ReadLdap-BindPassword = secret ReadLdap-SearchBase = "ou=ecred,o=radius" ReadLdap-SearchFilter = "(uid=${packet.Base-User-Name})" ReadLdap-Map = "${check.Password} = ${userPassword};" at slapd.conf file a part of the configuration
looks like:
suffix "o=radius" rootdn "cn=Manager,o=radius" rootpw secret directory /usr/proyectos/openldap-data index objectClass eq #--------------------------
And at the ldap.conf file I
base ou=ecred, o=radius #------------------------
But this third source software when I attempt this
work shows the following message:
<plugin.ReadLdap.lookupUser> Created connection for Total =
1 Cached = 0
957 <plugin.ReadLdap.lookupUser> Dropped connection for Total = 0 Cached = 0 971 <plugin.ReadLdap.lookupUser> (WARNING) ERROR -- Authentication failed - com.novell.ldap.LDAPException: Protocol Error : (2) Protocol Error 972 <engine.worker.0> lookupUser[ReadLdap] -> End-Of-Methods by ERROR -- Authentication failed - com.novell.ldap.LDAPException: Protocol Error : (2) Protocol Error I can see the evident message "Authentication
failed " , could someone see what's wrong here?.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Ernesto Freyre
Área de Operaciones Qnet - Servicios Internet Telf. 241-4122 anexos 2245/2244 www.qnet.com.pe |