Has anyone had any luck getting MS Active Directory to announce it's changes using something neutral like JAVA?
I know it can by done with ADSI but I want to avoid MS-proprietary software if possible.
I've tried quite a bit of sample code modifications but seem to always get the error;
LDAP Error: com.novell.ldap.LDAPException: 00000057: LdapErr: DSID-0C090591, comment: Error processing control, data 0, v893 : (12) Unavailable Critical ExtensIon
The novell-java persistent search code also fails with the same error. Active Directory, when queried, CLAIMS to support notifications as well as persistent searches.
The sparse documentation, I can find claims LDAP controls are supported and notifications should work.
I've tried using TLS and non-TLS connections but I still get the error pasted above.
Seems to me, a great project would be an Active Directory 'notifier' service that broadcasts AD changes to other services.
I sure could use some snippets or tips to get a prototype to give me a little hope.
Any clues?