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slapd error!

  Hi to all ...

I have some problem whit slapd ...
when i stop the ldap "service ldap stop"
i recive this error:

stoping slpad: /etc/init.d/ldap: line 196: kill: (27694) - No such
/etc/init.d/ldap: line 196: kill: (27693) - No such process 
/etc/init.d/ldap: line 196: kill: (27698) - No such process  [OK]

When i start it: "service ldap start"
Starting slapd:         [OK]

$ rpm -qa | grep openldap

I scan my open ports whit nmap:
[cristi@xxxx cristi]$ nmap -sT

Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
Interesting ports on xxx.xxxx.xx (
(The 1593 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
22/tcp     open        ssh                     
389/tcp    open        ldap                    
6000/tcp   open        X11                           

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1 second

[root@xxxxx cristi]# ldapsearch -x -b '' -s base '(ojectclass=*)'

version: 2

# filter: (ojectclass=*)
# requesting: namingContexts 

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 1

and when i try to browse whit gq, apears a little window who request a
pass. i enter the pass what i set whit slappasswd, but he say wrong pass
or invalid URI!

What's the problem ... ?

i make a exemple.ldif were i write ...

dn: uid=cristi,ou=people,dc=tehnic,dc=ro
uid: cristi
cn: Cristi User
givenname: Cristi
sn: User
mail: cristi@tehnic.ro
objectClass: top
objectClass: mailRecipient
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson

if i try to add the sample.ldif:
ldapadd -x -D "cn=root,dc=tehnic,dc=ro" -W -f /path_ro_ldif_file/

Enter LDAP Password:
    ldap_add: Object class violation
       additional info: unrecognized objectClass 'mailRecipient'
ldif_record () = 65 

I configure all this how is writed in a tutorial from
ibm.com/developerWorks Thanks !