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Re: Afg! Client won't use LDAP

lør, 2003-02-08 kl. 10:11 skrev Phil Dibowitz:

> To make nss_ldap and pam_ldap use TLS you put "ssl start_tls" in 
> /etc/ldapconf...

Openldap clients can only use SSL/TLS if you have configured the slapd
server for it.

> But what about OpenLDAP? Accoring to ldap.conf(5) (i.e. openldap's 
> ldap.conf), such an option is not supported by openldap. Why would that be?

It is certainly supported by Openldap 2.1.x (I use 2.1.12 and have used
SSL since 2.1.4, TLS since 2.1.10) and, though apparently undocumented,
also by (later?) 2.0.x. You don't state which version of Openldap you




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

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