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Re: ACL examples

lør, 2003-02-08 kl. 04:48 skrev Tom Possin:

> I'm wondering if it is possible to create an ACL that would allow an ou
> below a users record to be (for lack of better word) owned by the user.
> This would be good for me as I am writing a client in which I would like
> to include the ability for users to create private(or semi-private)
> lists that they could maintain/add-to etc.

> If this is possible does anyone have an example? I could not find one in
> the docs I have seen.
> Or is their a better way to structure such a directory to get this
> functionality maybe?

It's perfectly possible - I do it myself:

1: Make sure you're running a recent Openldap version, preferably in the
2.1 series;

2: Search the archives on regex, dn.subtree and dn.chidren, since there
have been discussions on this subject and you'd do best to follow them.




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

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