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ldap modify question (undocumented feature gone)


with openldap 2.0.2x one could feed a modified ldif output to
ldapmodify and it was updated "correctly" ie. attribues no longer there
were deleted, new ones were added though no controls (changetype: ...)
were given.


original entry:

	dn: cn=Barbara Jensen, dc=example, dc=com
	objectClass: person
	cn: Barbara Jensen
	cn: Babs Jensen
	sn: Jensen
	title: the world's most famous mythical manager
	mail: bjensen@example.com
	uid: bjensen

and this modified one gets feed to ldapmodify:

	dn: cn=Barbara Jensen, dc=example, dc=com
	objectClass: person
	cn: Barbara Jensen
	sn: Jensen
	title: most famous mythical manager in world
	mail: bjensen@example.com
	uid: bjensen
	jpegPhoto: ...

and it would be stored exactly as shown above.

With openldap 2.1.12 this no longer works and the entry stored would
look s.th. like this:

	dn: cn=Barbara Jensen, dc=example, dc=com
	cn: Babs Jensen
	objectClass: person
	cn: Barbara Jensen
	sn: Jensen
	title: most famous mythical manager in world
	mail: bjensen@example.com
	uid: bjensen
	jpegPhoto: ...

Note the 'deleted' cn: moved up to the top.

As it never was the correct (and documented) way this is not a bug
(perhaps it once was) though it was a really nice feature ;-).
ldapdiff or others will do the work needed.

The question is: why did this work before ? Can anybody point me
to the change in the sources ? It's not a problem with ldapmodify but
it may be in the libs ?

Bjoern A. Zeeb				bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
56 69 73 69 74				http://www.zabbadoz.net/