Hi, i
don’t understand the result openldap gives me
to the following query: # ldapsearch -x mail=thomas.stinner@schuechen.de I get two results, one of
them is correct, but the other one is this: # admin2, mailforwards,
schuechen dn:
mail=admin2,ou=mailforwards,o=schuechen objectClass: mailForward forward: thomas.stinner@schuechen.de forward: forward: uwe.heiden@glts-cotech.de mail: admin2@schuechen.de I don’t have an idea
why i get it. Is it somehow possible that forward and
mail have the same id’s? How could I check that? Mit freundlichem Gruß i.A. Thomas Stinner W. Schüchen Int. Sped. Transp. Log. GmbH & Co. KG |
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Stinner;Thomas FN:Thomas Stinner (Thomas.Stinner@schuechen.de) ORG:W. Schüchen Int. Sped. Transp. Log. GmbH & Co. KG TEL;WORK;VOICE:+49 (6142) 406447 TEL;CELL;VOICE:+49 (175) 2641121 TEL;WORK;FAX:+49 (6142) 406411 ADR;WORK:;;Kelsterbacher Str. 38-46;Raunheim;;65479;Deutschland LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Kelsterbacher Str. 38-46=0D=0ARaunheim 65479=0D=0ADeutschland URL;WORK:http://www.schuechen.de/ EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:Thomas.Stinner@schuechen.de REV:20021205T122307Z END:VCARD