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Re: Newbie question

Olivier Vigneron wrote:

as a newbie in ldap in general and in openldap in particular,

I searched a few in the mailing list archives but did not found an answer.

I installed openldap (openldap 2.0.25-7mdk on a mandrake 9) and I followed the quickstart guide on openldap.org site.

My problem is:

ldap is answering when asked by another program (ldapsearch in command line or any graph client from another machine).

But I did not succeed to add my first entries in my ldap adressbook using ldapadd.

It is clearly something dumb but I do not succeed to make it work.

If anyone as a clue or idea, please let me know.

Thanks and best regards


I used this command line:
./ldapadd -x -D "uid=Manager,o=axsmarine,c=com" -W -f /home/ol/Documents/test_ldif.ldif

The test_ldif.ldif file looks like:

       # Barbara's Entry
       dn: cn=Barbara J Jensen,dc=axsmarine,dc=com
       cn: Barbara J Jensen
       cn: Babs Jensen
       objectClass: person
       sn: Jensen


So here are the part of the slapd.conf i modified:

database        ldbm
suffix          "dc=axsmarine,dc=com"

rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=axsmarine,dc=com"

rootpw         test

directory       /var/lib/ldap

       index objectClass       eq
       index uid               pres,eq,sub
       index cn,sn             pres,eq,sub,subany

# logging
loglevel 256

# Basic ACL
access to attr=userPassword
       by self write
       by anonymous auth
       by dn="uid=Manager,dc=axsmarine,dc=com" write
       by * none

access to *
       by dn="uid=Manager,dc=axsmarine,dc=com" write
       by * read


Hi  Oliver,

check if you build up the ldap-tree to your entry:

dn: dc=axsmarine,dc=com
objectclass: dcobject
dc: axsmarine

And we could help better if you provide us your exact error message.

Kind regards,

Christian Pohl

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