hi alls and happy new year!!
at my system i have a master server and several
slaves. well, i want add one more slave, but this slave is special because it
isnt at my network but at the network of my client. ok i dont want that he
see all attributes for each entry.
i have to export all attributes for each entry to
this new slave because if master try to replicate one attribute that dont
exists at the new slave i will have one replication
are there any ways to restrict the replication
only for some attributes?
i know that there are restrict for users and for
branchs of the tree server.
if there not ways, do somebody suggest other
thanks for all and kind regards!
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Torres-Ternero Alvarez;Agustín FN:Agustín Torres-Ternero Alvarez ORG:Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información S.A.U.;Desarrollo de Proyectos TITLE:Area de e-Gobierno TEL;WORK;VOICE:955061022 TEL;WORK;VOICE:955061000 TEL;WORK;FAX:955061019 ADR;WORK:;;Avda. de la Arboleda s/n;Tomares, Sevilla;;41940;España LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Avda. de la Arboleda s/n=0D=0ATomares, Sevilla 41940=0D=0AEspa=F1a EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:agustin.torres@juntadeandalucia.es REV:20030103T113852Z END:VCARD