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where are the FM...?

Dear List

I am relatively new to (Open)LDAP and got quite far with it yet but I got to a point where some questions arise which I did not find an answer for yet.

Can you please point me out to a location where I find a "HOWTO Index"...? I try to set an substring-index onto the mailLocalAddress-attribute which is rejected with
/etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 87: substr index of attribute "mailLocalAddress" disallowed
I just do not get the point why this happens... :(

Furthermore I am searching some stuff to read under the topic "HOWTO tune OpenLDAP". I am not yet sure, but I suspect there are quite some optimizations possible to the standard setup which will give me the speed-up I need.

Thank you for any hint.

Kind regards,
Roman Hochuli

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