I have the same problem here, especially with {crypt}. With MD5, you can solve this with setting
user-password {md5}
in slapd.conf
looks like it's actually
password-hash {md5}
that is needed in slapd.conf
[server /] # echo -n
e1NNRDV9V2lXUEo4S1ZiT0EzOW1IaDZRRk9Qem15UjlzPQ==|mmencode -u
[root@fra10000144 pam_ldap-156]# ---snipp---
You see, its's hashed with SMD5 which is not what i want. (What i really want is to know how i can configure it, so the hash i want is used ..)
So, here's what's in my pam_ldap.conf (which is the file that configures pam_ldap.so) :