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mod_auth_ldap - Authorization fails

Dear Sirs,

I use mod_auth_ldap [DSO] (http://www.muquit.com/muquit/software/mod_auth_ldap/mod_auth_ldap.html)
with apache-1.3.27. I've followed the description on the above mentioned site.

If I want to authenticate my protected directory, the authorization fails.

this is my.ldif which i have added successfully to my openldap-2.1.4 server.

# Organization localhost
dn: dc=localhost
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
dc: mydebian
o: mydebian
description: my localhost on Debian Woody

# OrganizationalUnit merchant
dn: ou=merchant,dc=localhost
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: merchant
description: our costumers

# Persons
dn: cn=mmuster,ou=merchant,dc=localhost
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
cn: mmuster
sn: max muster
userPassword: secret # plain text password

my http.conf
<Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ldaps">
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AuthName "only :-)"
  AuthType Basic
  LDAP_Server localhost
  LDAP_Port 636
  Base_DN "dc=localhost"
  UID_Attr cn
  require group ou=merchant,dc=localhost

for Authentication I use the cn-Attribute as username

for example:
username: mmuster
password: secret

I have no idea why the authentication fails.

Please Help me!

Thank you, Yours faithfully


~ Stefan Ignaz Wurzinger ~ stefan.wurzinger@greengecko.org ~
~ www.greengecko.org     ~ Project Groupe of Students      ~