hi all:
the last days i had the next messages in slapd.log
1)Oct 22 18:58:28
guadahortuna slapd[27467]: deferring operation
2)Oct 22 19:05:36
guadahortuna slapd[27467]: send_ldap_response: ber write failed
for the type 1) i think that is show when th slapd
have high load and cant respond. im not sure,
anyone can confirm it?
for the type 2) i dont have any idea.
thanks for all and kind regards
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Torres-Ternero Alvarez;Agustín FN:Agustín Torres-Ternero Alvarez ORG:Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información S.A.U.;Desarrollo de Proyectos TITLE:Area de e-Gobierno TEL;WORK;VOICE:955061022 TEL;WORK;VOICE:955061000 TEL;WORK;FAX:955061019 ADR;WORK:;;Avda. de la Arboleda s/n;Tomares, Sevilla;;41940;España LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Avda. de la Arboleda s/n=0D=0ATomares, Sevilla 41940=0D=0AEspa=F1a EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:agustin.torres@juntadeandalucia.es REV:20021023T113626Z END:VCARD