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Re: Odp: Re: Problem with ACL

tir, 2002-10-15 kl. 22:43 skrev Andy Nat:

> > This isn't going to get you anywhere. Make a tree with its
> > roots in the air. everything to the left is hidden, everything 
> > to the right is open:
> > 
> >                 dc=com
> >                    |
> >                 dc=company
> >              ______|______
> >              |            |
> >           ou=secret    ou=open

> So if I understand what you mean I should make something like:
>                   dc=com
>                      |
>                   dc=company
>           ___________|_________________
>          |                             |
>   ou=secret,cn=AB,mail=ab@cmp.pl       ou=public
>          |
>   ou=secret,cn=CB,mail=cb@cmp.pl
>          |
>   ou=secret,cn=DE,mail=de@cmp.pl

This is possible, though I still find it horrible. I'm an old NetWare
NDS person, where (NetWare NDS 4.1) it wouldn't have been possible at
all. You'd have one h*ll of a time making ACLs to get it to work, but
you could, if you tried hard enough.

Take: ou=secret,cn=AB,mail=ab@cmp.pl, for example. Why not make it:

dn: cn=AB,ou=secret,dc=cmp,dc=pl <-- tree with leaf
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
sn: Polanski
cn: AB <--- (or Vasily or Alexey or whatever, leaf that belongs to
mail: ab@cmp.pl <-- leaf that belongs to ou=secret

You *could* have had:

dn: mail=ab@cmp.pl,ou=secret,dc=cmp,dc=pl
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
sn: Polanski
cn: AB <--- (or Vasily or Alexey or whatever, leaf that belongs to
mail: ab@cmp.pl <-- leaf that belongs to ou=secret

because the 'mail' attribute is supposed to be unique - but that's lousy
reasoning to my mind.




Tony Earnshaw

"There are many people who can't face the truth ... If you rob a
normal person of life's lies, at the same time you'll be robbing
him of his happiness."

>From Henrik Ibsen's "Vildanden", "The wild Duck."

e-post:		tonni@billy.demon.nl
www:		http://www.billy.demon.nl