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Re: classes AUXILIARY

At 03:17 AM 2002-10-11, Vincent MATHIEU wrote:
>I have problems with the creation of personal schemas
>I can't declare an AUXILIARY class if it does not inherit of  the class 'top'.
>for example :
>objectclass ( NAME 'n2etud' SUP inetOrgPerson AUXILIARY
>        MAY ( n2atrcodeine ))
>generate the following error :
>user-defined ObjectClass includes operational attributes: "inetOrgPerson"
>Is it normal?

Incorrect error text was returned for the invalid schema defn..
It should have said:
  user-defined ObjectClass has inappropriate SUPerior: "inetOrgPerson"

An AUXILIARY class cannot be a subclass of an STRUCTURAL class.

The error text has been corrected in HEAD and OPENLDAP_REL_ENG_2_1.