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RE: how to compile an "all-in-one" binary for ldapsearch ?

Delete your ldap/clients/tools binaries and remake them with
	make LTFLAGS=-static
to make libtool ignore any shared libraries and just use static ones.

  -- Howard Chu
  Chief Architect, Symas Corp.       Director, Highland Sun
  http://www.symas.com               http://highlandsun.com/hyc
  Symas: Premier OpenSource Development and Support

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org
[mailto:owner-openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org]On Behalf Of Jacques Landru


I am trying to build an "all-in-one" binary for ldapsearch tool with all SASL
mechanisms embedded in the binary.

Cyrus SASL 2.1.7 has been built with the --with-static-sasl switch, so I have
an libsasl2.a (about 1,2 Mo) in /usr/local/lib

But when I try to build openldap with --enable-static, no success to obtain
the static ldapsearch binary (about 181 ko).
When I try to use this ldapsearch tool, no SASL mechanism is avalaible.

I run configure with this parameters :

./configure --with-cyrus-sasl --enable-spasswd --enable-monitor --enable-stat
ic --disable-shared --disable-slapd --disable-slurpd

In the make step  output it seems that it is always linked with libsasl2.so
and not with libsasl2.a. All other libraries are in the ".a" form.

What's wrong or missing in the configure step ?
is there a way to use a --with-staticsasl switch  like in cyrus-sasl or
cyrus-imapd building operation ?

Any idea ?


Jacques Landru

 Jacques Landru
   mel:  landru@enic.fr
   web:  http://www.enic.fr/people/landru
   tel:  (+33) 3 2033 5556
   fax:  (+33) 3 2033 5598

 E.N.I.C. Telecom Lille I
 Cite scientifique, rue G. Marconi
  web: http://www.enic.fr
  Tel: (+33) 3 2033 5577
  Fax: (+33) 3 2033 5599