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Re: Big Logs

GG Noris (gigi@pclinx.it) wrote:
> I thik is a stupid question but i do not find a clear response:
> I use RH 7.3, with openldap 2.0.23
> I need to rotate the /var/log/ldap.log, but i do not find the script to
> put in /etc/logrotate.d/
> Or there is another method ???

Yep. Run slapd under daemontools and use multilog.

$ cat run
exec 2>&1 \
sh -c '
        exec \
        /usr/local/libexec/slapd -d 16 -f

$ cat log/run                   
exec \                          
envdir ./env \                  
sh -c '                         
    exec \                      
    multilog \                  
        t \                     

$ cat log/env/MAXFILESIZE 

$ cat log/env/MAXLOGFILES 

That setup keeps 10x1mb logfiles. 
