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Re: LDAPv3 userCertificate store way..

At 11:03 PM 2002-09-19, Siok Peng wrote:
>I heard that the LDAPv3 WG has decided to remove the support for

The LDAPBIS WG (the IETF WG responsible for revising the LDAP
"core" specification) determined that the ;binary feature
should not be included in revised LDAP "core" technical
specification and, instead, be specified as an extension.
Previous to this, LDAPBIS WG determined that PKI schema
should also not be be included in the revised "core"
technical specification and, instead, be specified as an

This should be viewed as a reorganization of the technical
specification.  (Details are why the reorganization is needed
can be found in the LDAPBIS WG archives.)

>Does it mean, if I want to store certificate into LDAP, I only can use
>userCertificate instead of userCertificate;binary ?

No.  You should continue following the in-force technical
specification, e.g. RFC 3377 and its normative references.
