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Re: ACL: protect entry but not children

søn, 2002-09-08 kl. 18:06 skrev Ace Suares:

> I tried GQ now, but I don't see why it's so diferent from 
> ldapexplorer (except that it's faster than a webinterface).

Don't know ldapexplorer, unfortunately.

> Schema browsing is nice, but at the moment I have no problems with 
> Schema's.

Fine :-)
> I understood that you said you could drag and drop with GQ, but that 
> seems not to be the case. I might have misunderstood.

You can Drag'nDrop if you compile it in. Do ./configure --help' for the
options - there are several more; some of them don't work. They seem to
think Draggin'nDroppin's not good for you. Well, it is.

> GQ doesn't give me any more information about what ACL's are and how 
> to configure them correctly.


> So, I am stull full of questions on ACL's.

Do you mean still fill?

I'll write to you "at home".



Jij hebt mij geholpen met contacten, nu ga ik g*dv*rd*mm* jou helpen met
ACL's, al kost dat mij wat voor weinig verstand ik nog overhoud.


Tony Earnshaw

The usefulness of RTFM is vastly overrated.

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