Hi all, i'm using OpenLDAP for 1 year, and i love very much this tool. However, i'm suprise to see there are only few softwares which supports LDAP. For example, it's possible to use LDAP with Apache, but only for authentication purposes, not for store the configuration file. And it's the same problem with lot of software. That's why i'm think it's a good idea to write a small application which provide a way for use LDAP server to store configurations files for any softwares. The idea seem very (sic) simple : - writing a small library which redefine fopen function - add this library to LD_PRELOAD At this time, i'm success to write a small library which redefine fopen function, do a printf, and finally call standard fopen. I just need to add ldap functions at this point. Since i'm not a C hardcoder (just a beginner who knows the base), i want to have your opinions, do you think it's possible ? i'm afraid with fopen and 'writing' mode. But i guess most of software just use 'r' for opening theirs files. (moreover, which library use for hash string with string ? filename <-> md5sum) I attach a small schema for explain the library process.
Description: library process
Thank you very much, and sorry for my bad english. -- Bruno Bonfils http://www.debian-fr.org