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Re: Where can I found document to backup/restore database for OpenLdap?

fre, 2002-08-02 kl. 10:59 skrev Le Ngoc Thach:

> Where can I found document to backup/restore database for OpenLdap? It uses BerkleyDB.

If you compiled yourself, at least with BDB4, the html docs are in your
untar (source) directory. I haven't found any 'man' docs.

If you installed from an rpm or ap-deb (is it, for Debian?), it's most
likely that you'll have to go to www.sleepycat.com. There you'll find
html and other doc sources - but again only for BDB4.

Be prepared to do some studying and experimenting! all you'll find are
utilities that help you make backups with recognized Unix tools like cp,
gzip, tar or cpio. 

Unless you read both documentation and source code thoroughly, no one
tells you that your logfiles have to grow to 10M before they get
rotated, unless you start altering code.




Tony Earnshaw

The usefulness of RTFM is vastly overrated.

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