lør, 2002-07-27 kl. 16:33 skrev Tony Earnshaw: > I'm more or less certain my question is undocumented, but maybe I'm > lazy. Well, it wasn't undocumented :-) More or less solved what I wanted to by reading Jim C <jcllings@tsunamicomm.net> 's reference to http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/docs/ldap-auth.php , which, I being a Red Hat person, was a new one on me. By sticking access to dn=".*,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl" attr=userPassword by dn="cn=Admin,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl" write by self write by * auth at the very top of slapd.conf and removing some of the earlier, first, restrictive acl, I get more or less what I want as far as unwanted "finger" stuff is concerned. Isn't perfect, but it's much better than it was. So thanks, Jim C. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw The usefulness of RTFM is vastly overrated. e-post: tonni@billy.demon.nl www: http://www.billy.demon.nl gpg public key: http://www.billy.demon.nl/tonni.armor Telefoon: (+31) (0)172 530428 Mobiel: (+31) (0)6 51153356 GPG Fingerprint = 3924 6BF8 A755 DE1A 4AD6 FA2B F7D7 6051 3BE7 B981 3BE7B981
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