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Re: Trying again : slapd active every 60 seconds, why ?

Since it is searching for posixGroups, it could by anything Un*x-like
if you've got nss_ldap running. Think `cron' becuase of the 60 seconds...

On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Harry Rüter wrote:

> Looking into my logfiles i saw that slapd is active every
> 60 seconds.
> Jun 25 14:14:01 486dx66 slapd[14498]: conn=890 op=3
>                 SRCH
> base="dc=hrnet,dc=de"
>                 scope=2
>                 filter="(&(objectClass=posixGroup)
>                 (|(memberUid=root)(uniqueMember=uid=root,
>                 ou=users,ou=accounts,ou=mynetwork,
>                 o=myorganization,dc=hrnet,dc=de)))"