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How to create ou


we have openldap installed since 12 months and all works very well. Now I want 
to add ipHost entries to my db, but I would like to create them in a ou, 
because the list of entries is already big enough.

if I call 

ldapadd -W -v -D uid=cyrus,dc=sb-brixen,dc=it -f hosts.ldif

I get

ldap_add: Object class violation

the hosts.ldif looks like

dn: ou=Hosts, dc=sb-brixen,dc=it
createtimestamp: 20010524065817Z
modifiersname: uid=cyrus,dc=sb-brixen,dc=it
modifytimestamp: 20010524065817Z
creatorsname: uid=cyrus,dc=sb-brixen,dc=it
ou: Hosts
objectclass: top

Can anyone tell me what's wrong in this ldif file ?
My root looks like

dn: dc=sb-brixen,dc=it
createtimestamp: 20010613154916Z
dc: sb-brixen
modifiersname: uid=cyrus,dc=sb-brixen,dc=it
modifytimestamp: 20010613154916Z
creatorsname: uid=cyrus,dc=sb-brixen,dc=it
objectclass: top
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: domain
o: sb-brixen

Thank you very much
Andreas Moroder

Dr. Andreas Moroder
Sanitätsbetrieb Brixen - Azienda Sanitaria di Bressanone
   www.sb-brixen.it    -      www.as-bressanone.it