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Question on access
i'm a little confused, if i really understood the
"access-rights-concept" .
So here are my questions :
The slapd-deamon looks through all access-statements until
it finds a rule which matches.
So if an access to dn=xyz is wanted and it's not specially
defined by an access-rule there must be an access-statement
at the end of the acces-list, which will match everything ?
Example (without the by-statements):
access to dn=xyz ... wanted
access to
access to attr=loginShell
access to *
Only the last rule will match, correct ?
This is a strong rule,
if an access-staement matches, the other, following,
will be ignored ?
The same procedure in an access-statement ?
The slapd-deamon looks through all by-statements until
it finds a rule which matches ?
wants to read/write its roaming-profile :
Here's the roaming-profile for harry :
owner uid=harry,ou=users, ou=accounts, ou=mynetwork,
o=myorganization, dc=hrnet,dc=de
nsLIProfileName harry
objectClass top
objectClass nsLIProfile
Here's the user harry (without the "secret" things :o) ):
logonTime 0
displayName harry
objectClass krb5Principal
objectClass sambaAccount
objectClass posixAccount
lmPassword xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
primaryGroupID 513
acctFlags [U ]
userPassword xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
uid harry
uidNumber 1234
cn harry
logoffTime 2147483647
gidNumber 100
kickoffTime 2147483647
pwdLastSet 1018479633
krb5PrincipalName xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
rid 545
homeDirectory /home/harry
pwdCanChange 0
pwdMustChange 2147483647
ntPassword xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Here ist the access-rule which belongs to the roaming
profiles :
access to
by dn="uid=admin,ou=ldap,o=myorganization,dc=hrnet,dc=de"
by dn="uid=ldapAdmin.+\+realm=HRNET.DE" write
by dnattr=owner write
by * none
Will harry get write-access to it's profile ?
Generally there's the following rule, when editing
the access-statements :
First everything specialized, then the more general things
(with * in it),
right ?
Last question:
How do i read those by-statements :
by dn="uid=ldapAdmin.+\+realm=HRNET.DE" write
What's the matching rule for this ?
What's going on with the "." ?
Couldn't i write
by dn="uid=ldapAdmin@HRNET.DE" write
directly ?
greets Harry