Dear Lady, Dear Sir,
Following error messages I got when building ldaptcl.
Unluckily I do not have any idea about the Information to generate,
otherways I could have probably adapted ldaperr.tcl myself.
Please be so kind to send me a correct ldaptclerr.h or an
update of ldaperr.tcl.
W.b.R. Piet Vloet
OS Solaris.26
openldap: 2.0.23
tcl ldaperr.tcl /usr/local/include/ldap.h > ldaptclerr.h
Error: expected integer but got "(((n)"
while executing
"lsort -integer [array names ldap_errname"
(procedure "genstrings" line 29)
invoked from within
"genstrings [lindex $argv 0]"
invoked from within
"if !$tcl_interactive {
genstrings [lindex $argv 0]
(file "ldaperr.tcl" line 47)
gmake: *** [ldaptclerr.h] Error 255
#------ With best regards, Mit freundlichen Gruessen, Met vriendelijke groet, ------
# Petrus Vloet