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RE: LDAP query errors.

The base dn fixed the "no such  object" problem. But still can not get any
data back. This is what I get now:

#ldapsearch  -x  -b o=bax  "(&(objectclass=person)(ou=AMERICA))"
version: 2

# filter: (&(objectclass=person)(ou=AMERICA))
#requesting: ALL

#search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 1

The following query does work though !!!

#ldapsearch -x -b o=bax "(cn=*)"

The output of "slapcat" may shed some light on what the problem is !!!!
There it is:

######## slapcat output
dn: ou=AMERICA,o=bax
objectClass: organizationalUnit
creatorsName: cn=Manager,o=bax
createTimestamp: 20020228081307Z
modifiersName: cn=Manager,o=bax
modifyTimestamp: 20020228081307Z

dn: ou=AFRICA,o=bax
objectClass: organizationalUnit
creatorsName: cn=Manager,o=bax
createTimestamp: 20020228081307Z
modifiersName: cn=Manager,o=bax
modifyTimestamp: 20020228150348Z

dn: ou=AGENT,o=bax
objectClass: organizationalUnit
creatorsName: cn=Manager,o=bax
createTimestamp: 20020228081307Z
modifiersName: cn=Manager,o=bax
modifyTimestamp: 20020228150348Z

dn: ou=EUROPE,o=bax
objectClass: organizationalUnit
creatorsName: cn=Manager,o=bax
createTimestamp: 20020228081307Z
modifiersName: cn=Manager,o=bax
modifyTimestamp: 20020228150348Z

dn: ou=PACIFIC,o=bax
objectClass: organizationalUnit
creatorsName: cn=Manager,o=bax
createTimestamp: 20020228081307Z
modifiersName: cn=Manager,o=bax
modifyTimestamp: 20020228150348Z

dn: CN=Raed Nashef,OU=AMERICA,O=BAX
cn: Raed Nashef
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
mail: rnashef@baxglobal.com
sn: Nashef
creatorsName: cn=Manager,o=bax
createTimestamp: 20020228150820Z
modifiersName: cn=Manager,o=bax
modifyTimestamp: 20020228150820Z



Raed Nashef
Consultant Analyst
Network Planning Group
BAX Global, Inc.
Tel:  949.752.1212  x.2672
Email: rnashef@baxglobal.com

                       Mitchell"                 To:   Raed Nashef <rnashef@baxglobal.com>                        
                       <Mitchell.Rozonkie        cc:                                                              
                       wiecz@ca.com>             Subject:   RE: LDAP query errors.                                
                       03/05/2002 06:49                                                                           

try using a base dn of ...

-b o=bax


-----Original Message-----
From: Raed Nashef [mailto:rnashef@baxglobal.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 5:05 PM
To: openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org
Subject: LDAP query errors.

OK, here we go.....

OpenLDAP 2.0.23 running on RedHat 7.1.

The slapd.conf looks like the following:
##### slapd.conf #####
include        /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include        /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include        /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema

pidfile        /usr/local/var/slapd.pid
argsfile       /usr/local/var/slapd.args

database  ldbm
suffix         "o=bax"
rootdn         "cn=Maager,o=bax"
rootpw         secret
directory /usr/local/var/openldap-ldbm
index     cn,mail   pres,sub,eq
index     objectClass    pres,eq

Loaded the following LDIF successfully:

(Embedded image moved to file: pic28145.pcx)

Next I loaded the following LDIF entry, successfully!!

dn: CN= Raed Nashef, OU=AGENT,O=BAX
objectclass:   top
objectclass:   person
objectclass:   organizationalPerson
objectclass:   inetOrgPerson
mail:     rnashef@baxglobal.com
sn:  nashef

Next....  I try to submit the following query,

ldapsearch -x  "(&(objectclass=person)(ou=AGENT))" dn

and that's when it fails with the following output:

# filter:  (&(objectclass=person)(ou=AGENT))
# requesting: dn

# search result
search:   2
result:   32 No such object

# numResponses:     1

Any ideas what's going on ??!!!
