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Missing inetLocalMailRecipient attribute in the misc.schema

I am trying to migrate my /etc files into my openLDAP
directory and I am using the "migration" scripts provided by
www.padl.com. However, when I try to run this script online
(with slapd running of course) I hit the error shown below
with an excerpt of it running.

After seeing the error I check the misc.schema file to find
that the inetLocalMailRecipient is commented out. On top of
that I checked the mailing lists at openLDAP.org and see
others having the same problem with "apparently" no solution
suggested to get around this. 

Should I run a different version of the migration scripts
which avoids the use of inetLocalMaillRecipient attribute ?
Am I suppose to run any of the other "online" scripts
provided BEFORE I run the "migrate_all_online.sh" script
such as "migrate_all_nis_online.sh" ?
Does anyone have a solution to this issue or will I need to
enter all of my "passwd" entries manually.

I notice that the script fails on the first user of my
/etc/passwd file.

I am running openLDAP V2.0.14 and version 1.10 of the
"padl.com" scripts.


[root@ocean migration]# more migrate_all_online.sh
# $Id: migrate_all_online.sh,v 1.10 2001/01/07 03:39:20
lukeh Exp $

Enter the X.500 naming context you wish to import into:
Enter the name of your LDAP server [ldap]:
Enter the manager DN: [cn=manager,dc=magtech,dc=com,dc=au]:
Enter the credentials to bind with:
Do you wish to generate a DUAConfigProfile [yes|no]? no

Importing into dc=magtech,dc=com,dc=au...

Creating naming context entries...
Migrating aliases...
Migrating groups...
Migrating hosts...
Migrating networks...
Migrating users...
Migrating protocols...
Migrating rpcs...
Migrating services...
Migrating netgroups...
Migrating netgroups (by user)...
sh: /etc/netgroup: No such file or directory
Migrating netgroups (by host)...
sh: /etc/netgroup: No such file or directory
adding new entry "dc=magtech,dc=com,dc=au"
ldap_add: Already exists

ldif_record() = 68
Importing into LDAP...
adding new entry "ou=People,dc=magtech,dc=com,dc=au"

adding new entry "ou=Rpc,dc=magtech,dc=com,dc=au"

adding new entry "ou=Group,dc=magtech,dc=com,dc=au"

[.....processing entries......]

adding new entry

adding new entry

adding new entry "cn=ocean,ou=Hosts,dc=magtech,dc=com,dc=au"

adding new entry

adding new entry
ldap_add: Object class violation
        additional info: unrecognized objectClass

ldif_record() = 65
/usr/bin/ldapadd: returned non-zero exit status
Paul Milazzo
Magellan Technologies
65 Johnston St
Annandale, 2038 NSW, Australia
Tel +61 2 9518 7011
Fax +61 2 9518 7620
Email : paulm@magtech.com.au
Web   : http://www.magtech.com.au
In theory, there's no difference between theory and
practice. In practice,
there is. - Unknown.
tel;fax:(02) 9518 7620
tel;work:(02) 9518 7011
org:Magellan Technology
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fn:Paul Milazzo