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Re: one slapd to multiple backends LDAP

> Hi,
> I'd like to use openldap as proxy LDAP towards 2 servers (for read only).
> For exemple :
>                           dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr
>           _________________|______________________________
>           |                                                                                  |
> ou=pers,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr        ou=etudiants,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr
> Here is my configuration :
> database	ldap
> uri		ldap://neith.univ-nancy2.fr:395
> suffix		"ou=pers,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr"
> database	ldap
> uri		ldap://etumel.univ-nancy2.fr:392
> suffix		"ou=etudiants,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr"
> database        ldbm
> suffix          "dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr"
> directory       /home/ldap/ldapProxy/data
> index		objectclass        eq
> the ldif from suffix dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr is :
> dn: dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: domain
> dc: univ-nancy2
> (only one entry)
> If I search :
> (uid=vmathieu) with the base ou=pers,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr, it works
> If I search :
> (uid=vmath999) with the base ou=etudiants,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr, it works
> but, if I search (uid=vmathieu) or (uid=vmath999) with the base dc=univ-nancy2,dc-fr, there is nothing.
> openldap Does not make the link beetween the database ldbm and the databases ldap.
> How can I do this?

You need to configure the proxies to point at the least common naming 
context to spawn searches across the whole tree. This because the 
appropriate database is selected based on the base of the request,
so if you have

# database 1
suffix	"ou=pers,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr"

# database 2
suffix	"ou=etudiants,dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr"

and you issue a search request with base "dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr", 
none of the databases will be selected.

You should try the (experimental) back-meta; it does exactly what 
you expect.

Another solution is using referrals, although in this case it is 
the client's responsibility to contact the appropriate server.
