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definitions of attributes

I try to insert a person in my directory with a personal attribute named "cptess
      " like define above in a schema file included in my slapd.conf

attributetype ( NAME 'cptess'
        DESC 'compteur de tentatives de connection'
        SYNTAX )

I have also tried with:

attributetype ( NAME 'cptess'
        DESC 'compteur de tentatives de connection'
       SUP name )

The two solutions doesn't work with an error message :

ldap_add: Object class violation

ldif_record() = 65

My ldif file for insert is :

dn: CN=bidochon, O=ASC, C=FR
cptess: 0
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: dominoPerson
userpassword:: KEd6TE9iRU1GbFhyTlRDc1pyNGR6KQ==
ou: People
cn: bidochon
sn: bidochon

Does anybody have already define personals attribute for a directory ?
Thank you for your help!