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Re: Newbie question - How to do server based access control ?

>>>>> ""InfoNavigator" == "InfoNavigator  <- Ldap" <ldap@infonavigator.be>> writes:

    "InfoNavigator> High, we are looking into openldap as a way to
    "InfoNavigator> provide single sign-on to our unix network

    "InfoNavigator> I searched through the entire documentation, but
    "InfoNavigator> there is one tricky question remaining

    "InfoNavigator> Suppose I have several machines which all
    "InfoNavigator> authenticate against the ldap server, how can I
    "InfoNavigator> make sure that a user can login to server1, but
    "InfoNavigator> not to server2


>From these URL's, you might find what you need...

        The 'pam_filter' line

        The 'include /etc/ldap/schema/trust.schema' line

        The actual schema

        My ACL file

 Turbo     __ _     Debian GNU     Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just 
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