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Re: Distinguished Name and Entry values

sze4041 wrote:
> Hi, all
> Let's say I have dn : cn=xyz, ou=abc, o=ddd,c=ss
> So , does that mean that I muz have the following as the
> attribute values.
> cn: xyz
> ou:abc
> o:ddd
> c:ss

To my knowledge, all the entry should have is the leftmost
attribute, i.e. "cn=xyz" (It may well have more values for
the same attribute). Note that it cas have also the others,
i.e. "ou=abc" and so, bu this has nothing to do.

Read RFC 2253 for more details.


Dr. Pierangelo Masarati               | voice: +39 02 2399 8309
Dip. Ing. Aerospaziale                | fax:   +39 02 2399 8334
Politecnico di Milano                 | mailto:masarati@aero.polimi.it
via La Masa 34, 20156 Milano, Italy   |