I use Openldap 2.0.15 with SASL authenticating
through a Win NT PDC using PAM (with winbind PAM module)
I would like to use a NT ldapadmin user as the rootdn for the
superuser of my openldap server instead of the cn=Manager,dc=enic,dc=fr with
the default password
As specified in the administrator guide, I am trying to define
the rootdn with the SASL syntax in my slapd.conf
rootdn "uid=NTDOMAIN_ldapadmin"
Until now it doesn't work.
Is it a syntax problem ?
I tried
rootdn "NTDOMAIN_ldapadmin"
rootdn "uid=NTDOMAIN_ldapadmin"
rootpw {SASL}NTDOMAIN_ldapadmin
with no success
Which parameters must I use in the ldapadd, ldapmodify or
ldapsearch command to specify I want to bind as the rootdn with its special
I tried the -U or -X or both -U -X with no
Any help ?
Thank you in advance.
Jacques Landru
-----oOo----- Jacques Landru mel: landru@enic.fr web: http://www.enic.fr/people/landru tel: (+33) 3 2033 5556 fax: (+33) 3 2033 5598 E.N.I.C. Telecom Lille I
Cite scientifique, rue G. Marconi 59658 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ Cedex web: http://www.enic.fr Tel: (+33) 3 2033 5577 Fax: (+33) 3 2033 5599 -----oOo----- |