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Re: LDAP Applications

>I'm a newbie(LDAP). I've just started learning how things work
>under LDAP. But, I don't have any exposure as to the diversity of
>applications one can think of using LDAP. Can anyone shed light on
>this aspect? I wanted to do a final year project(I'm a student) based on
>this. So please do suggest a challenging and a lot more promising
>app. Thanx in advance.

1. You could take over my stalled LDAPConsole project,  I'd be very happy to
talk to you about it.

2. You could work on the XML-Query/LDAP Provider for the gnome-db project
(http://www.gnome-db.org).  Then people could use very nice applications like
gASQL (on GNOME at least) to work in LDAP.

Systems and Network Administrator
Morrison Industries
1825 Monroe Ave NW.
Grand Rapids, MI. 49505