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Insufficient rights for root, ACLs

 I'm writing specialized LDAP client in PHP and when I've tried to  modify or
 delete DLAP entry data, I've got "Insufficient acess". Ok, I've read docs
 but in the docs is written that for root account the access control doesn't
 apply. So I'm quite confused because they kick me out.
 And to ACLs:
 Is there some good docs about it ? I'd like to understand it well.
 Self - the "self " in "by" clause of "access to" is in docs commented,
 that it correspond to the owner of the entry - how is the owner relationship
 'materialized' ?
 Can you give me please some example of ACLs when group(s) of users
 can modify a subtree, while other can only read ? 
 How I should store users  in LDAP to authorize them based on their knowledge 
 of password ?

 Thank you for replies.

|  ROSTISLAV MATL, student of Masaryk University - Faculty of Informatics     |
|  e-mail: xmatl@fi.muni.cz      WWW: http://www.fi.muni.cz/~xmatl/index.html | 
|  ICQ#: 17058749                                                             |