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does chase_v3_referal runs with Netscape Address Book?

I waste a lot of time testing a Distributed Directory service, but at
las I think the wrong side is the Netscape Address Book. 

The scenario

1. Principal server
	base: dc=unav,dc=es  
	server: dap://arcos.cti.unav.es/ 
	with two subordinate referrals:

> dn: o=alumni, dc=unav, dc=es
> objectClass: referral
> objectClass: extensibleObject
> o: alumni
> ref: ldap://raid.cti.unav.es/o=alumni,dc=unav,dc=es
> dn: o=people, dc=unav, dc=es
> objectClass: referral
> objectClass: extensibleObject
> o: people
> ref: ldap://raid.cti.unav.es/o=people,dc=unav,dc=es

2. Subordinate server

	base: o=people,dc=unav,dc=es and o=alumni,dc=unav,dc=es 
	server ldap://raid.cti.unav.es/ 
	with default superior ref to ldap://arcos.cti.unav.es/

1. the good news
With the ldapsearch -C <...> runs perfectly:
ldapsearch -C -LL -H "ldap://arcos.cti.unav.es/";  -b "dc=unav,dc=es"
"cn=*coupeau*" cn mail -d 1

> ldap_url_parse_ext(ldap://raid.cti.unav.es/o=people,dc=unav,dc=es)
> re_encode_request: new msgid 5, new dn <o=people,dc=unav,dc=es>
> ber_scanf fmt ({it) ber:
> ber_scanf fmt ({ae) ber:
> ldap_chase_v3referral: msgid 2, url "ldap://raid.cti.unav.es/o=people,dc=unav,dc=es";
> ldap_send_server_request
> dn: cn=Ignacio Coupeau, o=people, dc=unav, dc=es
> cn: Ignacio Coupeau
> mail: icoupeau@unav.e

2. the bad news
But - and this is the problem- with Netscape Address Book (4.74 and
4.77) a loop max hops is obtained... (BTW the question of the month). A
debug in the server side yields:
> Jul 12 16:53:38 arcos slapd[620]: daemon: conn=10 fd=10 connection from IP= (IP= accepted. 
> Jul 12 16:53:39 arcos slapd[626]: conn=10 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 
> Jul 12 16:53:39 arcos slapd[626]: conn=10 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text= 
> Jul 12 16:53:39 arcos slapd[624]: conn=10 op=1 SRCH base="dc=unav,dc=es" scope=2 filter="(cn=*coupeau*)" 
> Jul 12 16:53:39 arcos slapd[624]: conn=10 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=9 text=Referral: ldap://raid.cti.unav.es ldap://raid.cti.unav.es 

the referral lost the <dn> part but according
section (7.3), Case#2, the DN part MUST be maintained and NOT trimmed. I
testd it with prefs.js ldap_version 2 and 3.

any help, idea or so?

Thanks a lot,
Ignacio Coupeau, Ph.D.     e-mail: icoupeau@unav.es
CTI, Director              fax:    948 425619
University of Navarra      voice:  948 425600
Pamplona, SPAIN            http://www.unav.es/cti/