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Re: Truncating LDAP

Thus spake Cornwall, George:
> Is there any way to truncate all LDAP records?
> We are trying to determine loading times for records into the ldap server
> from downloads from other data sources. We would like to truncate the ldap
> records in between runs to eliminate duplicates and to get a clean baseline.
> We are searched the man pages and FAQ's and haven't come across this
> capability. Is there any way to accomplish this?

Do you mean you just want to remove all data and start over?  Just shut
the slapd process and rm the db files.

W. Reilly Cooley                           wcooley@nakedape.cc
Naked Ape Consulting                        http://nakedape.cc
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"There was a vague, unpleasant manginess about his appearence; he somehow
seemed dirty, though a close glance showed him as carefully shaven as an
actor, and clad in immaculate linen."
-- H.L. Mencken, on the death of William Jennings Bryan

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