ldap_add: Undefined
attribute type
additional info: attribute type undefined.
What could be likes of such
error? How does ones knows if the new
schema conforms to the standards
defined in RFC 2252?
A sample entry in my ldif
looks like this:
dn: o=ntsp,c=PH
objectclass: organization
o: ntsp
dn: ProjectDN=Prototype,o=ntsp,c=PH
ProjectDN: Prototype
objectclass: top
objectclass: ProjectProfile
(local objectclass)
ProjectName: MMview
ProjectLeader: Tutz
I also found sample schemas
wherein new objectclasses and attributes are defined
this way:
dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: attributetypes
#or objectclasses
attributetypes ......
When I tried this,
I got this error:
invalid format (line 11) entry: "cn=schema"
= 89
What could have gone wrong?